- Out of Boundary Request K-12
- School Boundaries
- Preschool Registration
- 2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Coming April 2025
- New Student- Kindergarten- Twelfth Grade Registration
- Arena Scheduling for Charter Students
- Welcome Back Packet
- Utah Fits All Scholarship
- Proof of Residency
Out of Boundary Request K-12
K-12 Out of Boundary Request Form
Out-of-Boundary Request K-12
For Preschool out of boundary requests, please visit Preschool Information.
We ask that you be patient and do not submit a duplicate application. Please note that multiple attempts of the same application will result in delays.
To successfully submit your application, please ensure you fill out all sections of the form and submit it in its entirety. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email to verify that you have completed your part of the process.
The early enrollment application window for the 2025/2026 school year is December 1, 2024, through February 21, 2025.
Tooele County School District Enrollment Options/Residency Requirements
Early Enrollment Period Transfer Application
If you are a resident of a Utah school district other than TCSD and you want to attend TCSD, or if you are a resident of TCSD, and you want to attend a school other than your boundary school, you must complete an application form and follow these requirements to be considered.
1. The EARLY ENROLLMENT PERIOD begins on December 1 and continues through the Third Friday in February.
2. Begin your application process by submitting your application online.
3. If your application is approved, you will be expected to honor that commitment for the requested school year.
4. Applications may be rejected based on: (a) unavailable space in a building, grade, class size, or program; (b) unavailability of a program your student requires, including special education programs; (c) student’s unwillingness to comply with district policies; (d) serious infractions of law or school rules, or chronic misbehavior at the previous school, which would, if it were to continue, endanger persons or property, cause serious disruption in the school, or place unreasonable burdens on school staff; or (e) negative effect on capacity, programs, class size, grade levels, or school buildings of the resident or requested school.
5. If enrolled, you may remain enrolled unless one of the following occurs: (a) you graduate; (b) you are no longer a Utah resident; (c) you are suspended or expelled from school; (d) space is no longer available. You will be notified by March 15 if you are to be excluded for the school year because enrollment within the school, grade level, or program will exceed 90% of capacity. The last enrolled are first excluded.
6. Attendance at a specific elementary or junior high does not guarantee attendance at a specific junior high or high school, with the exception of students enrolled in a Dual Language Immersion program in elementary school.
7. If your application is approved, you are responsible for your own transportation to and from school.
8. Although there is no guarantee, siblings of students already admitted through enrollment options have priority over other applicants.
9. UHSAA Eligibility: Secondary students admitted through open enrollment options are ineligible for UHSAA participation until approved through the UHSAA transfer process. See the TCSD Athletics page for more information.
10. False or misleading information regarding residence or guardian information will result in the revocation of your enrollment option.
11. If you are denied enrollment or continued enrollment under this policy, you may appeal to the Grantsville, Stansbury, or Tooele Area Director. The Area Director’s decision shall be upheld in any later proceeding unless the decision is found, by clear and convincing evidence, to violate applicable law or regulations or to be arbitrary and capricious. Contact Administrative Assistant, Sue Medina (435)833-1900 x1104 for information about appeals and enrollment options.
12. The application form should be completed online as soon as possible before the Third Friday in February. You will be notified by email or phone by March 31, or within six weeks of the application, whichever is later, of approval or denial. You must notify an accepting school as soon as possible if you cannot attend.
13. Regardless of school capacity students may apply based on a special need. Transportation, childcare, peer groups, and complaints about the current school are examples of issues the district does not consider to be special needs.
Late Enrollment Period Transfer Application
14. The LATE ENROLLMENT PERIOD is any time outside the Early Enrollment Period.
15. Paragraphs 2-13 above for the Early Enrollment Period apply to applications during the Late Enrollment Period. Do not check out of your resident school until you present the resident school with evidence you have been accepted at the requested school.
Out-of-Boundary Requests and Exceptions
We understand that there may be circumstances where students seek an out-of-boundary exception to attend our school. Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee approval, and all exceptions are provisional.
Enrollment Provisions:
By requesting an out-of-boundary exception, the student agrees to:
1. Be on time and attend classes regularly.
2. Demonstrate appropriate classroom efforts to succeed academically in all classes by completing and turning in assignments.
3. Exhibit appropriate classroom and school behavior by receiving satisfactory citizenship grades.
4. Follow all established school policies and procedures.
5. Contact a teacher, counselor, or administrator for any clarification and direction regarding any question or concern related to the terms of the out-of-boundary exception.
Failure to adhere to any of these provisions shall be grounds for immediate revocation of the out-of-boundary exception and referral back to the student's home school and/or district.
Do I Need to Complete an Out of Boundary Request?
Here are some scenarios to help you determine if an out-of-boundary request is necessary:
- YES: If you want to attend a school outside your newly designated boundary you must complete a new out-of-boundary request form.
- YES: Even if you have a current out-of-boundary exception, you will need to reapply due to the updated school boundaries.
- YES: If you wish to stay at your current school for a special program, such as DLI, you will need to apply for an out-of-boundary request.
- NO: If you want to attend your new boundary school, even if it is different from the one you attend this year.
When to Apply for Out of Boundary
Early out-of-boundary requests for the 2025-2026 school year will be accepted online from December 1, 2024, to February 21, 2025. Students wishing to attend a school outside their boundary for the 2025-2026 school year are strongly encouraged to file a provisional out-of-boundary request during this early enrollment period, as requests are unlikely to be approved after this timeframe.
When it is Necessary to Apply for a New Out-of-Boundary Exception
When a student transitions from elementary to junior high or from junior high to high school, and the new school is not within their designated boundary based on their residential address, an approved out-of-boundary exception request is required. This means that families must submit a formal request to attend a school outside their assigned boundary area. It is important to note that the boundary exception will only apply to the specific school approved in the exception request. This ensures that students attend schools that best meet their educational needs while maintaining an organized and efficient school assignment process.
If your student currently has an approved out-of-boundary exception and will be attending the same school next year, you do not need to apply for a new exception*. However, when a student transitions from elementary to junior high or from junior high to high school, and the new school is not within their designated boundary based on their residential address, an approved out-of-boundary exception request is required.
*Please note that this does not apply to situations where school boundaries have changed. Please see more information on the School Boundary Page.
School Boundaries
Preschool Registration
Preschool Registration and Enrollment
Preschools are located at the following schools:
Anna Smith Elementary, Copper Canyon Elementary, Grantsville Elementary, Northlake Elementary, Rose Springs Elementary,
Stansbury Park Elementary, Sterling Elementary, Twenty Wells Elementary, and West Elementary.
Preschool Registration 2025-2026 School Year
Space is Limited!
Positions will be filled through a lottery.
To be considered for enrollment, please attend one of our registration events listed below:
February 26, from 1:00-4:00 PM @Twenty Wells Elem. (636 S. Nygreen St., Grantsville)
March 5, from 1:00-4:00 PM @ Sterling Elem. (135 S. 7th St., Tooele)
March 12, from 2:00-8:00 PM: Online ( Staff will be available for support from 2:00-4:00 PM.
March 19, from 1:00-4:00 PM @ Stansbury Park Elem. (485 Country Club, Stansbury Park)
Must provide/upload birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency at the time of registration to be considered for the lottery.
Grants are available and are contingent on funding.
Questions : 435-833-1966
Tooele County School District Preschool is available to children who are potty trained and 3 or 4 years old, on or before September 1, 2025 at 9 locations (ASE, CCES, GES, NES, RSE, SES, SPES, TWES, WES).
Registration will close following the March 19th event and reopen May 20th contingent on availability.
Anna Smith Elementary Preschool Registration 2025-2026 School Year
Space is Limited!
Positions will be filled through a lottery.
To be considered for enrollment, please attend one of our registration events listed below:
February 25, from 11-2 PM at Anna Smith Elementary (731 Aria Blvd., Wendover)
Must provide/upload birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency at the time of registration to be considered for the lottery.
Grants are available and are contingent on funding.
Questions : 435-833-1966
Tooele County School District Preschool is available to children who are potty trained and 3 or 4 years old, on or before September 1, 2025 at Anna Smith Elementary.
Registration will remain open until spots are filled.
Spanish Flyers
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Coming April 2025
General Information
We are excited to welcome new Kindergarten students into our school community and embark on this wonderful journey of learning and growing together.
As a reminder, to meet the age requirements for kindergarten in Utah, your child must be five (5) years of age on or before September 1st (Utah Code 53E3-905). Additionally, with the passing of HB 331, beginning on May 1, 2024, students are required to be toilet trained before being enrolled in kindergarten.
We are excited to offer full-day kindergarten to all our students as well as a half-day option to accommodate the needs of our families. Here’s a brief overview of each program:
Full-day kindergarten: Students attending full-day kindergarten will follow a schedule equivalent to the other grades in the school. They will receive comprehensive instruction in all content areas, including the arts, PE, and library.
Half-day kindergarten: Students attending either a half-day kindergarten class or a half-day kindergarten option within a full day kindergarten class will attend school for part of the day as determined by individual schools and will receive instruction on the minimum standards of half day kindergarten as determined by the State Board of Education. Please note that midday transportation will not be provided for those attending half day kindergarten options.
Parents are asked to complete the first step of registration that includes stating your preference for full-day or half day kindergarten. We anticipate notifying families of their child’s schedule in your kindergarten program of choice by mid-July. At that time, you will be provided more details on schedules and other pertinent information.
We understand that this is an important decision for your family, and we are here to support you through the process. If you have any questions, please visit or contact your boundary school directly.
Registration Coming April 2025
2025-2026 Registration Information Request for Delayed Start Immunization Requirements Vision Screening Certificate
Registration Steps
1. Fill out online new student registration. To register go to and click on the REGISTRATION icon. *Please note that you can complete this step even if you do not have your child’s necessary immunizations yet. You can provide the required documentation to your school any time before the school year begins.
2. Provide the required documentation. Documents can be uploaded through the online student information system, Skyward, when filling out the new student registration or you can provide hard copies in person at your school. Required documents include an official state birth certificate, immunization record, vision screening, and proof of residence.
3. Complete the Welcome Back Packet. An email will be sent to families in mid-July with further instructions on the Welcome Back Packet.
If you do not have access to the internet at home, you may go to your boundary school office anytime, and they will be happy to assist.
*If your student currently attends a Tooele County School District Preschool, you do not need to complete registration on Skyward, as you already have an account. Students will be assigned to their boundary school. If you want your child to attend a school that is not your boundary school you must submit an out of boundary request form.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the age requirement for kindergarten?
Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age on or before September 1. For the 2025-2026 school year students with birth dates between 9/2/2019 and 9/1/2020 meet the age requirements for kindergarten.
Is kindergarten mandatory?
Kindergarten is not mandatory, but school attendance at the age of six is. If you feel your child is not ready to attend kindergarten at age 5 and would like to delay start until age 6 you have that right. According to Utah Code 53G-6-803(2) in order for us to track enrollment in current and upcoming years, written request is required for keeping track of those students choosing to delay start. A delayed start form is available at or by contacting Sue Medina, Administrative Assistant, to initiate the process at 435-833-1900 x1104.
What is full-day kindergarten?
Students attending full-day kindergarten will follow a schedule equivalent to the other grades in the school. They will receive comprehensive instruction in all content areas, including the arts, PE, and library.
What is half-day kindergarten?
Students attending either a half-day kindergarten class or a half-day kindergarten option within a full-day kindergarten class will attend school for part of the day as determined by individual schools and will receive instruction on the minimum standards of half-day kindergarten as determined by the State Board of Education. Please note that midday transportation will not be provided for those attending half-day kindergarten options. Please note that half-day options and classes will vary by school depending on the number of students requesting half-day.
How can I get help with kindergarten registration?
Please contact your boundary school for assistance with registration.
How do I register my student if I do not have internet access?
If you do not have access to the internet at home, you may go to your boundary school office anytime, and they will be happy to assist.
How do I find out what school my child should register at?
School boundaries can be found at *Please note that many of the elementary schools in the Tooele and Stansbury areas have new boundaries for the 2024/2025 school year.
What documentation is required before a child can officially begin kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year?
· Official State Birth Certificate (can be obtained from the Tooele Health Department)
· Proof of Residence (utility bill, current mortgage or rental contract, property tax notice)
· Vision Screening (form available on the website)
· Immunization Record (see list of required immunizations below)
*Please note that you are encouraged to complete the first step of registration by May 31st even if you do not have your child’s necessary immunizations yet. You can provide the required documentation to your school any time before the school year begins.
Where do I get an official state birth certificate?
State birth certificates can be obtained from the state in which the child was born. Utah birth certificates can be obtained from the Tooele Health Department or the Utah State Division of Health.
What immunizations are required for kindergarten?
The following are required by Utah law for a child entering school:
o 5 DTaP/DT,
o 4 Polio,
o 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella),
o 3 Hepatitis B
o 2 Hepatitis A
o 2 Varicella (chickenpox).
Recommended for children 5 years and older, but not required for school entry in Utah:
o Influenza
o COVID-19
*Please note that you are encouraged complete the first step of registration by May 31st even if you do not have your child’s necessary immunizations yet. You can provide the required documentation to your school any time before the school year begins.
Is my student required to be toilet trained?
Yes, students are required to be toilet trained before being enrolled in kindergarten. *Please note there will be exemptions for this requirement for a condition described in an IEP or Section 504 accommodation plan.
If my student qualified for busing, but I choose a half-day option, will busing be available?
No, midday transportation will not be provided for those attending half day kindergarten options.
When will I find out what half-day kindergarten options are available for my student at their boundary school?
Parents are asked to complete the first step of registration that includes stating your preference for full-day or half day kindergarten by May 31, 2025. We anticipate notifying families of their child’s schedule in your kindergarten program of choice by mid-July. At that time, you will be provided more details on schedules and other pertinent information.
*Please note the more parents that complete the registration by May 31 the sooner we can finalize assignments and notify parents.
If my child is currently attending a Tooele County School District Preschool, do I need to complete the online new student registration?
No, you do not need to complete registration in Skyward because you already have an account. Please note that your student will be assigned to your boundary school.
Can I choose what school to register my child at?
Students are assigned to their boundary school. You must submit an Out-of-Boundary Request Form to be considered to attend a school that is not your boundary school.
Do I need to make changes to my child’s registration if their boundary school has changed since I registered them?
No, your registration will be transferred and assigned to the correct boundary school for the 2025/2026 school year. If you want to request a boundary exception you need to submit an Out-of-Boundary Request Form..
New Student- Kindergarten- Twelfth Grade Registration
Arena Scheduling for Charter Students
Welcome Back Packet
Utah Fits All Scholarship
Tooele County School District (TCSD) is a provider for Utah Fits All (UFA) Scholarships for students in the 6th through 12th grades. Students can participate in various core classes, electives, and extracurricular activities.
TCSD schools have long been a resource for private and homeschooled students looking to enrich their learning by enrolling with TCSD schools for years,
and we are excited to continue this tradition through the Utah Fits All Scholarship.
- What is Utah Fits All?
- Contact
- Fee Schedule
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Enroll in TCSD Courses Using UFA
- Pay UFA Fees on Class Wallet
What is Utah Fits All?
Utah Education Fits All is a non-profit organization and is not the program manager for the Utah Fits All Scholarship nor affiliated with the Utah State Board of Education.
More information at or call 1-866-498-3321 to talk to a representative.
Fee Schedule
· $1,000 per credit ($500 per semester) plus all associated fees.
· $500 for extracurricular activities plus all associated fees.
· $250 for clubs plus all associated fees.
· Transportation: Not to exceed $750 per year.
· Testing Services: $100 per requested test plus associated fees.
· If a student drops, a refund, prorated, plus a $100 processing fee.
· Special Education: Cost based on the needs of the child.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many TCSD courses can UFA Scholarship students take?
Per state law, there are limits to the number of courses UFA scholarship students can take through a public school any given year before reaching full-time status. If a voucher student enrolls in the equivalent of 50 percent of a school’s schedule, they will forfeit their scholarship. At a school where there are five class periods in a day, Utah Fits All students can take up to two courses. At a school with seven periods in the day, scholarships can be used to enroll in up to three courses. For more information, please email Lezlee Pollmann at
What courses and activities are offered?
All courses taught at TCSD are available for Utah Fits All Scholarship holders but are based on number of seats available in the class. For more information please contact your school counseling office. All of TCSD’s traditional high schools have Utah High School Activities Association-sanctioned sports and activities. You can find the full list on UHSAA’s website.
What are the rules for participating in a high school sports team or program?
Privately-schooled students are eligible to participate in Utah High School Activities Association-sanctioned sports and activities at any high school as long it’s their first year of entry and the sport isn’t offered at their private school. Homeschooled students are also eligible to participate at any school their first year of entry. For UHSAA’s eligibility guidelines, see their 2024-2025 Handbook. Some sports and activities require tryouts and some are connected to an actual class period, in which case the student will have to 1) pay to enroll in the course, 2) cover the entry fee, and 3) pay any associated fees (for uniforms, equipment, etc.).
Can I dual enroll in Tooele County and reserve my voucher money for activities?
Once a family receives Utah Fits All Scholarship, or voucher, funding, they are no longer eligible to dual enroll in a school. This is because dual enrollees are funded through the state’s Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU), the state funding formula for public education. If a scholarship holder were to draw on the WPU while also receiving voucher funding, that would amount to a double-dipping of taxpayer funds. TCSD has purposely kept the admission fee and other participation fees (for jerseys, uniforms, equipment, etc.) affordable so voucher students can easily afford to enroll in some classes and participate in sports, the arts, and other activities.
How will I receive confirmation of my enrollment and pay using my voucher funds?
You will be notified of confirmation of enrollment by Lezlee Pollmann at the district office. Payments can be made through the Class Wallet app.
Do elementary schools accept voucher payments?
At this time, Tooele County School District is approved to serve scholarship holders in the seventh through 12th grades. Based on demand and other factors, we may consider at a future date adding elementary schools to the list of approved Utah Fits All providers.
Can Utah Fits All students qualify for a fee waiver?
No, the scholarship takes the place of a fee waiver.
Enroll in TCSD Courses Using UFA
1. Any family interested in UFA at Tooele County School District must call Lezlee Pollman at 435-833-1900 Ext. 1137.
2. After meeting with Lezlee, parents must complete New Student Online Registration and the Welcome Back Packet.
3. Once registration is complete, students will be enrolled in their boundary school. If an out of boundary school is desired, an out of boundary application must be completed. Out of boundary students may not be eligible for sports.
4. Student will be added to our student management system as a Utah Fits All Scholarship student.
5. Once enrolled, the school registrar will be notified of a new student.
6. The student will then be directed to contact their school counselor to make a schedule.
7. The school counselor will instruct parents to contact the School FInance Secretary who will then contact the District Finance Office with the student’s owed fees.
8. The District Finance Office will process a bill for the student’s UFA fees.
9. Guardians will pay their student’s UFA fees using UFA Scholarship funds on the Class Wallet platform.